
Advanced Endoscopy

Advanced Endoscopy services offered in Beverly Grove, Los Angeles, CA

Endoscopy procedures allow doctors to see the inside of your gastrointestinal tract without making incisions. Cameron Sikavi, MD, at Innovative GI Health and Wellness in the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, is a board-certified gastroenterologist with advanced endoscopy training. To learn more about advanced endoscopy at Innovative GI Health and Wellness, call or schedule an appointment online today.

What is endoscopy?

Endoscopy is a medical procedure that uses a special instrument called an endoscope to evaluate your body without incisions. An endoscope is a thin tube with a light and camera that sends pictures of your gastrointestinal tract to a computer monitor, allowing your doctor to evaluate the lining for abnormalities.

At Innovative GI Health and Wellness, Dr. Sikavi performs these procedures to evaluate your gastrointestinal tract. He uses an upper endoscopy to look at your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of your duodenum, and a colonoscopy to evaluate your large intestine.

Dr. Sikavi also has training in advanced endoscopy.

What is advanced endoscopy?

Advanced endoscopy includes innovative procedures that allow Dr. Sikavi to evaluate and treat gastrointestinal conditions using special tools and techniques. Advanced endoscopy gives Dr. Sikavi more options for diagnosing and treating your digestive problem.

What are advanced endoscopy procedures?

The advanced endoscopy procedures Dr. Sikavi performs at Innovative GI Health and Wellness include endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).


EUS combines an upper endoscopy with ultrasound imaging, allowing Dr. Sikavi to evaluate the lining of your esophagus and stomach and the walls of your upper (small intestine) and lower gastrointestinal tract (large intestine) at the same time. 

Dr. Sikavi can also see your gallbladder, liver, and pancreas during an EUS.

He performs this advanced endoscopy procedure to get more information about your gastrointestinal tract so he can make a more accurate diagnosis and create an effective treatment plan.


ERCP is an advanced endoscopy that combines an upper endoscopy and X-rays to evaluate and treat the pancreatic and bile ducts. These ducts deliver digestive enzymes and bile into the small intestine to help with digestion. Blockages in the ducts may cause problems like gallbladder disease or pancreatitis.

Dr. Sikavi performs ERCP to evaluate these ducts and perform procedures to remove blockages (gallstones or tumors).  

Am I a candidate for advanced endoscopy?

Dr. Sikavi determines if you’re a candidate for advanced endoscopy after a consultation. He may recommend these procedures if he’s unable to diagnose the cause of your gastrointestinal symptoms and needs more information. Or, he suspects your pancreatic or bile ducts are the source of your digestive problems.

Advanced endoscopy gives Dr. Sikavi more tools to help diagnose and treat your gastrointestinal condition. Call Innovative GI Health and Wellness or schedule a consultation online today.