
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) services offered in Beverly Grove, Los Angeles, CA

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition that affects the bacterial balance in the small intestine, causing bloating, gas, and nutrient deficiencies. Cameron Sikavi, MD, at Innovative GI Health and Wellness in the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, specializes in diagnosing and treating SIBO. To learn more about SIBO, call or schedule an appointment online today.

What is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition in which there’s an imbalance in bacteria in your small intestine. Though it’s normal to have some bacteria in this part of your digestive tract, too much affects function and digestion. 

SIBO causes a range of uncomfortable symptoms like bloating and gas, diarrhea and constipation, and abdominal pain. The disruption in bacterial balance in the small intestine may also cause nutrient deficiencies because the bacteria consume the nutrients meant for you.

Many people with SIBO may go undiagnosed since it’s not a well-known condition. However, an estimated 80% of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have SIBO.

What causes small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

Many conditions may cause a change in bacterial balance in the small intestine. Some of the common causes of SIBO include:

  • Complications from gastrointestinal surgery
  • Diseases that decrease small intestine motility (diabetes)
  • Immunodeficiency diseases
  • Short bowel syndrome (from surgery)
  • IBS
  • Low stomach acid
  • Structural problems with the small intestine
  • Overuse of certain medications (antibiotics, pain medicine)

Though food isn’t the cause of SIBO, what you eat may affect the bacterial balance in your small intestine. 

What are the symptoms of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

Symptoms of SIBO are similar to other gastrointestinal conditions, making it hard to differentiate from others. Common symptoms include:

Dr. Sikavi conducts a thorough evaluation when you come in with these types of symptoms. He reviews your usual diet and medical and surgical histories and performs a physical exam. If he suspects your symptoms are related to SIBO, he may order bloodwork, stool tests, and imaging studies.

What are the treatments for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

Treatment for SIBO first focuses on decreasing the bacteria in the small intestine. This usually includes a course of antibiotics. Dr. Sikavi also provides treatments to address any complications, such as nutrient deficiencies or a decrease in gut motility.

If the cause of your SIBO is unknown, Dr. Sikavi may recommend probiotics to help restore gut bacteria balance. He also encourages eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress.

To learn more about SIBO and if it’s the cause of your symptoms, call Innovative GI Health and Wellness or schedule an appointment online today.