
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome services offered in Beverly Grove, Los Angeles, CA

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal condition that causes abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits that disrupt your normal routine. At innovative GI Health and Wellness in the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, Cameron Sikavi, MD, understands the toll IBS takes on your quality of life and creates comprehensive plans that ease symptoms and improve overall health. For expert management of your IBS from an experienced and compassionate board-certified gastroenterologist, call Innovative GI Health and Wellness or schedule an appointment online today.

What is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder affecting the large intestine, the last section of your digestive tract. IBS causes abdominal discomfort like gas, bloating, and pain, along with changes in bowel habits.

IBS is a functional gastrointestinal disorder, which means it causes symptoms but doesn’t change or damage the digestive tract like other conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 

Researchers are still investigating what causes IBS but theorize it has something to do with how the brain and gut communicate, causing changes in gut motility and pain sensitivity.

What are the types of IBS?

Dr. Sikavi may classify your IBS into a type based on your symptoms and most dominant bowel habit change. There are four main types of IBS, which include:

IBS diarrhea (IBS-D)

People with IBS-D experience abdominal pain and bloating along with diarrhea. 

IBS constipation (IBS-C)

IBS-C causes pain, bloating, and gas, with constipation serving as the primary bowel change symptom. 

IBS mixed type (IBS-M)

People who experience both constipation and diarrhea from their IBS have IBS-M. 

IBS unclassified (IBS-U)

If your symptoms don’t fit into one specific IBS type, Dr. Sikavi may classify you as IBS-U.

Knowing your IBS type helps Dr. Sikavi direct your treatment plan. 

When should I see a gastroenterologist for IBS?

You should seek help from the skilled gastroenterologist at Innovative GI Health and Wellness for your IBS if your symptoms affect your quality of life. Dr. Sikavi takes a holistic approach to care, focusing on improving your whole health, not just your IBS.

He reviews your symptoms, usual diet, and daily routine. He performs a physical exam and may request diagnostic tests to confirm or rule out other causes that might explain your symptoms. Testing might include bloodwork, stool testing, or colonoscopy.

What are the treatments for IBS?

Dr. Sikavi customizes your IBS treatment plan based on your symptoms and goals. Initially, he focuses on lifestyle changes such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress.

He may prescribe medication to help manage symptoms, such as anti-diarrheal medication, laxatives for constipation, or antidepressants to reduce pain.

When IBS symptoms affect how you live your life, it’s time to call Innovative GI Health and Wellness today or schedule a consultation online.